tinnitus clinic

expert tinnitus support

  • Struggling with ringing, buzzing or hissing noises in your ears?
  • Can you feel pulsating noise or sensitive to sounds?
  • Feeling irritable, stressed and struggling to concentrate?

EasiEar has the solution with expert tinnitus support at our Tinnitus Clinic.

Let’s get you started on the road to better hearing



Tinnitus is the term for hearing sounds inside your head rather than outside sources.

It’s often described as “ringing in the ears”, although several sounds can be heard, including buzzing, humming, grinding, hissing or whistling.

Pulsatile tinnitus

Some people may hear sounds similar to music or singing, and others may hear noises that beat in time with their pulse (pulsatile tinnitus). You may also notice that your hearing is not as good as it used to be or you’re more sensitive to everyday sounds (hyperacusis).

Tinnitus is common in people over the age of 40 but is becoming increasingly prevalent in younger people as well because of increased daily noise levels, including those caused by the unrestrained use of MP3s, iPods and other personal stereos. Other causes could be drugs, diseases, stress or head injuries.

A THOROUGH EVALUATION at our tinnitus clinic

  • We start with an in-depth consultation to understand your symptoms, lifestyle and medical history that may contribute to this condition.

  • Our audiologist will do a detailed hearing test and physical examination of your ears to rule out potential underlying causes such as hearing loss, earwax buildup or other structural issues.
  • When you come to Easi Ear, you’ll see an audiologist with more than 30 years’ experience who will ensure you get the care and attention you need.

“explaining in simple terms what is going on and my personal results…

“I visited Ian for a hearing test, I have had tinnitus off and on for the past few years, but it is now continuous. This combined with migraine and TMJ made me think that I should get checked over. Ian is incredibly professional, explaining in simple terms what is going on and my personal results. The good news is that I have the hearing of someone in my 20’s, I am in my 40’s! The most important thing is that I now have a record of my hearing levels as a benchmark going forward. The hearing test was free of charge and I cannot recommend highly enough that you go and see Ian. His practice is in Shirenewton near Chepstow.”

– Michelle Dalley (Google review)

tinnitus clinic support for tinnitus


“Troubled by tinnitus, resolved by micro-suction…

“Ian was very supportive in getting my daughter a prompt appointment when she was troubled by tinnitus recently. The problem was resolved by micro-suction. Very good service at a reasonable price!”

– Jane Clark (Google review)

Let’s get you experiencing peaceful hearing

our tinnitus clinic service

treating tinnitus correctly

if lifestyle adjustments haven’t solved your tinnitus, Turn to professionals

Treatment of tinnitus varies depending on the underlying cause. There is currently no single treatment for tinnitus that works for everyone. However, we can help find the underlying cause for you and, if possible, provide an appropriate remedy. Consulting an experienced audiologist is important for managing tinnitus symptoms. Nevertheless, if the causes are not those, we will advise you of alternative appropriate courses of action.


when to seek professional help for tinnitus

Tinnitus management often depends on its underlying cause, severity, and how much it interferes with daily life.

But if you are experiencing persistent or severe tinnitus our professional evaluation is the best place to start.

By addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of tinnitus, our comprehensive approach ensures you receive the care and tools necessary to regain control of your well-being.

our comprehensive tinnitus clinic treatment plan includes:

thorough evaluation and listening to you

Our in-depth consultation helps to understand symptoms, medical history and lifestyle factors that may contribute to tinnitus. We will reassure and listen to you. We will assess and watch your body language. We will dig down into the previous years and seek to understand when it became unbearable .


We will investigate your common triggers and the things that make you most anxious. We will also use tools to rule out complex medical conditions.

personalised treatment plan

Based on the outcome of the evaluation, we will create a tailored plan that fits your unique needs to treat the underlying cause of the condition to help you cope and manage tinnitus.


Introducing restructuring, how you behave to the symptoms, coping mechanisms like sound therapy, reframing and relaxation techniques to reduce the daily impact.

long-term support

Offering ongoing follow-up support to assess how effective the treatment plan is and what adjustments need to be made. Tinnitus can’t be cured and is a condition that can be lifelong. But our professional and nurturing approach is there for long-term support.

Let’s get you experiencing peaceful hearing


Hearing loss


noise protection



ear wax removal

Woman facing away from camera with headphones on. She is pointing her right index finger into the air.

Hearing tests

Hearing Aid


understanding tinnitus; causes, symptoms and relief options

More about tinnitus

Tinnitus can develop gradually over time or occur suddenly. It’s unclear exactly why it happens, but it often occurs with some degree of hearing loss.

Tinnitus is often associated with:

Age-related hearing loss, inner ear damage caused by repeated exposure to loud noises, an earwax build-up, a middle ear infection or Meniere’s disease – a condition that also causes hearing loss and vertigo (a spinning sensation).

However, around one in every three people with tinnitus has no obvious problem with their ears or hearing.

In some cases, tinnitus may get better gradually over time, but severe cases can be very distressing, affect concentration and cause problems such as difficulty sleeping (insomnia) and depression.

Man on-couch suffering from Tinnitus.

managing Tinnitus

Tinnitus management often depends on its underlying cause, severity, and how much it interferes with daily life. While some home approaches can help reduce symptoms, persistent or severe tinnitus typically requires a professional evaluation to rule out underlying conditions or more serious causes.

Is home management appropriate?

If tinnitus is mild or related to temporary factors (e.g., exposure to loud noise or stress), home remedies and lifestyle changes may help reduce symptoms, such as:

  1. Reduce exposure to loud noise
  2. Manage stress
  3. Mask the noise
  4. Improve sleep habits
  5. Dietary and lifestyle adjustments
  6. Book an ear wax extraction appointment.

While some cases of tinnitus can be managed at home with lifestyle adjustments, seeking medical advice ensures that any serious causes are addressed, and you receive tailored treatment if needed.

why choose easi-ear tinnitus clinic?


free, comprehensive hearing evaluations

Our complimentary hearing evaluations are designed to identify your specific needs and guide you to the right solutions.


personalised care & recommendations

We take time to understand your individual needs, offering tailored advice & support to ensure the best possible outcome for hearing health.


independent hearing clinic

As a local, independent clinic, we’re solely focused on your well-being, providing honest, unbiased advice.

Award Winning Audiologist

With over 25 years of experience in audiology services, our expert audiologist was awarded with a fellowship of the British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists in 2002.


Advanced technology

We use state-of-the-art equipment to provide accurate hearing assessments and safe, effective treatments, such as ear wax micro-suction ear wax removal.



Appointments available during evenings and weekends and FREE parking available at our accessible clinic.

our expert; ian croft

tinnitus clinic for peaceful hearing

It’s our mission to help relieve the symptoms of tinnitus to make life comfortable again.

tinnitus management with IAN CROFT, Audiologist

“I empathise with how unbearable tinnitus can be. I am compassionate and offer patient-centred care.

Because of my vast years’ of experience I am intuitive and connect on a human level.

I have dedicated my career to helping my clients enjoy peaceful hearing and a better quality of life.”

Profile picture of Ian Croft.

Ian croft – tinnitus clinic audiologist

Let’s get you experiencing peaceful hearing

HAPPY tinnitus clinic CLIENTS

Ear wax removal is a very personal experience and varies from person to person. The feedback we get highlights the level of service we offer and the quality of our work.

get in touch with the tinnitus clinic

Let’s address persistent ringing in the ears and help you to experience peaceful hearing once again.  Call us now on 01291 650312.

tinnitus clinic FAQS

what causes tinnitus?

You can use over-the-counter ear drops, such as hydrogen peroxide(bleach| -based or saline solution or glycerin, to soften the wax. After a few days, gently flush your ear with warm water using a bulb syringe. Avoid inserting cotton swabs or any sharp or small objects into your ears, as this can push wax further in or cause damage.

can tinnitus be treated

Hydrogen peroxide-based ear drops, carbamide peroxide solutions, or warm mineral oil can quickly dissolve ear wax. These are available at most pharmacies and are safe when used as directed.

tips to manage tinnitus at home

Use ear drops to soften the wax, and then gently flush the ear with warm water. If this doesn’t work, visit a healthcare professional for safe removal through ear irrigation or micro-suction.

what do they do at a tinnitus clinic?

The NHS in the UK has largely stopped offering free ear wax removal services. You may need to visit a private clinic or pharmacy, though some GP practices still provide the service if deemed medically necessary.

what is the best treatment for tinnitus?

Ear wax removal is the process of clearing excess or impacted ear wax from the ear canal to restore hearing and comfort. Common methods include irrigation, micro-suction, and manual removal.

what to do when tinnitus is unbearable?

Ear wax build-up can occur due to:

  • Overproduction of wax.
  • Narrow or curved ear canals.
  • Use of hearing aids or earplugs.
  • Improper cleaning with cotton swabs that push wax deeper into the ear canal.

who is the best specialist to see for tinnitus?

Signs you may need ear wax removal include:

  • Reduced hearing.
  • A feeling of fullness or blockage in the ear.
  • Earache.
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
  • Dizziness.

how can I calm down my tinnitus?

Micro-suction is a professional procedure where a small vacuum device gently removes excess ear wax under the guidance of a microscope. It is precise, effective, and does not involve water.

how to cope with tinnitus?

Yes, micro-suction is generally very safe when performed by trained professionals. It minimises the risk of damage to the ear canal or eardrum compared to other methods.